Why Do Tattoos Fade

Some of my followers on Twitter have been asking me why tattoos fade...and you're in luck I go the answer!
From my research I have found 2 main reasons and several secondary reasons for fading tattoos.
Those are the 2 main reasons for tattoo fading but here are a few more.
Bottom Picture from: Flickr.com
I would like to say that if you follow most of my advice your tattoo will last forever...but that is not true. Fading of tattoos is normal and no mater what you do your tattoo will fade in the long run. Our bodies are protecting us from the inks injected into our skin so slowly the ink will fade.
Best way to avoid the long term fade...visit your tattoo artist for a touch up every 5 to 10 years!
From my research I have found 2 main reasons and several secondary reasons for fading tattoos.
- Proper care of your new tattoo is important! Give it time to heal it takes all the layers of your skin about 3 months to heal properly. During this time keep it clean by washing with normal to mild soap everyday morning and night then pat it dry. After washing it let it dry out for an hour our two so the skin can breath before covering it with bandage or clothing. You can also put lotion on your new tattoo but make sure there is NO Aloe or Vitamin E because these can irritate the broken skin. Keep the bandage on it during the day and at night for as much of the 3 months as you can bare. This is to protect the healing skin from rubbing against clothing or you bed. You can find ointments to use during this time to help it heal fast and scab over less. If you get scabs don't pick them, they are there to protect the skin. If you pick they may scar making your tattoo look bad. One last thing...do NOT go into the pool or hot tub for as long as possible after getting your new tattoo. The chlorine in the water will fade new tattoos because chlorine is bleach!
- After the new tattoo is healed you will want to show it off! Use 30 SPF sunblock or better on your tattoo to protect it. The sun will fade the inks in your tattoo over time. You can minimize this by protecting it with sunblock all the time. Lighter inks are the first to fade and people with darker skin tone will notice first.

- Inexperienced tattoo artist - There is a real skill needed to know how deep to put the ink and in general you are better off with seasoned pro not the new young hot shot. If put on to deep your tattoo may scab & scar, or blur if put on shallow or thinly.
- Poor quality inks - Some inks are not good! A professional tattoo at a reputably tattoo parlor should be using high quality inks...don't be afraid to ask!
- Long term care - Put lotion on your tattoos everyday! After your skin has healed Aloe and Vitamin E enriched lotions are the best for long term care.
- Skin Damage - Sun burn, scraps & bruises, or some other physical damage to the skin will fade, scar, or blur your tattoos.
Bottom Picture from: Flickr.com
I would like to say that if you follow most of my advice your tattoo will last forever...but that is not true. Fading of tattoos is normal and no mater what you do your tattoo will fade in the long run. Our bodies are protecting us from the inks injected into our skin so slowly the ink will fade.
Best way to avoid the long term fade...visit your tattoo artist for a touch up every 5 to 10 years!
Exfoliating the skin for tattoo fading – false;